hello, i’m erin! i’ve been around since 2001, 2014, or 2021, depending on who you ask. you can find me on twitter, pleroma, and discord (cityposting).

i’ve come up with various reasons as to why i’m doing these projects over the years. a while ago i wrote a draft on how i thought ai research needed to be liberated from academia and placed into the hands of the common people (which is kinda the goal of this blog), but i really didn’t like how it turned out so i haven’t published it yet. maybe it will live here in the future.

i’ve made various pieces of art, mostly silly amateur paint.net drawings, and don’t really consider myself an artist. i might compile all my art here one day, but i feel like most people aren’t really here for that stuff.

i am not currently in need of money and have no plans to turn this series of projects into anything resembling a job. however, i am generally in need of employment, so if you want to support me, contact me through one of the above avenues with remote job offers that would be a good fit for me. thanks!